i stayed at home the whole day today.
so, i decided to be a good daughter n cooked my own lunch today. maggie mee. hahas.
it tasted quite good ok, though it didn't looked really nice... haha... but it's e taste that counts. :)

hahas. not bad right?
tution tmr!!!
HAHAS. that means basketball with holy! yea! must beat our previous record k?
sometimes i wonder if it was really my fault, i really don't wish for it to continue.
i don't really like the feeling of this, i think i had gotten too used to it that it feels normal.
i couldn't imagine what was then had evolved into this in such a short period of time, oh gosh.
well, realised that is had been only about a month ever since expose was over. but it seems longer than it was. missed all e trainings n late gg home tgt which took us a long long time, but luckily i got the company of michelle whose home is on the way! but it takes her a lil longer to get home. thanks niang! n it jus took me another highway n a few stops before i reach home. this way i'm not so bored. whew! thank god for such a friend whose house is so neaar.
training with li shean n yuyang was tired, memorable, fun. but i know sometimes we feel like dying, esp when it was already late n we were still using all e energy we had to make our pattern look nice. n i'm really glad that i had such understanding team mates who were there to take care of my knee, asking whether am i ok, thinking of ways to not let me strain it too much before the competition. thanks yuyang, for still caring about my lil knee here and then even after the competition, i really appreciate n it made my day. :) thanks papa!
i missed those days.
i feel so wierd now n then, but i guess it's only a matter of getting used to it.
and oh! congrats to michelle, yuyang n qian hui! who each got a trophy during ytd nationals.
actually felt quite bad that didn't go down, i was torn between cousin one yr b'dae n them. i really don't know which to choose. i kinda regret. why do i keep making choices i regret? it all stared last yr when i jus came in n it's still continuing! god, guide me.
n i realise that i have not seem qi for the whole hols. hahas. i didn't bug her cos i knew that she's busy with and her parents are back in town. so, meanwhile, jiayou darling!