everyday is a holiday! hahas...
finally my life seems to be on e proper track again with no more procrastinating n sudden cock ups...
visited e zoo on monday! n got ourselves drenched! so was raining. luckily some of e animals are rain proof, so we managed to see some... but it was quite disappointing. poor angelina was super disappointed n amanda brought her 900 bucks camera! huiqi n me just stoned our feelings away... hahas.

went to play badminton with gen ytd n spent most of e energy laughing at our poor skills at e beginning... think we needed some warm up n poof! we were able to play quite smoothly after a while... no more maluating! hahas...
tmr there's ocip gathering! quite tough organising one at this point of time, some are working, some are holidaying... some... can't get! only abt 10 turning up at gao lao shi's hse tmr... so disappointing, but better thn none at all!
haha, we are having potluck, so i'm gg over to qi's hse to 'cook' early in e morning. hope it turns out right.
my blog's alive! hahas...