woosh! gone is a week before i knew it! so so fast! well, cos it all started from the expo job which was both tiring n super rewarding for my stomache! hahas. it was e largest food and hospitality exhibition in asia and i got this job tgt with holy n yuyang! on e first day, we almost died when our legs wanted to give way! but luckily the pay was tempting enough... hahas... n most importantly... e food! it was like prepared by international chefs from indonesia, korea, china and india. can i say the mutton was super duper yummy! n e main course and of course e dessert! n still! my favourite bread! it was like prepared on the spot , oven baked fresh and hot. n i ate a lot! and while we were working, here and there, we were always munching on some good food other stall sent over. exquisite cakes, ice cream... n not forgetting the resling we got to taste! e best white wine i ever tasted! acc to the chef, it was e best in the world! wow! hahas... n not forgetting panna and pelligrino that costs like 6 bucks per bottle and only at fine dining places? hahas... n e pizza! with extra ingredients for the girls and that means us! hot and crispy! just for us cos we asked e chef to make one... hahas. it was a yummylicious experience!
so e whole week just zoomed past and it was a tiring week.
on sat, went fore normal dance lessons... i don't want to go for wushu lessons anymore, cos my stomach screams hungry! hahas... n sun! had my law n medicine written test! all e way at nus. far far far! n e question was funny for e law one. it's a case about stalking... hahas, nd they asked u to determined whether the accused was guilty or that any defences was available to them. hahas. medicince was worse. if u could change one aspect of the medical profession, what would it be and why? ello! how would i know! hahas...
after that went home for dinner b4 rusing out for jazz lessons. i actually sweated in an air con studio. hahas. shows how tiring it was n i got super ugly bruises on my legs! looks like i fell into some drain or something...hahas...

hahas. my cuttlefish affair with angelina b4 getting scolded by someone before performance. :) ytd had performance for some dinner at sfa. e music cock up AGAIN. hahas. always without fail. n e person bluff us, said our item was at 9, n we were happily chatting about drinks n naughty suff when suddenly... eh! ur turn! huh? huh? hahas... n we were like rushing here and there! n i tried to smile ok... n xue leong is so funny... hahas. after e finale, i climbed on top of him. he wanted me to come down but i was still in my own world. so he tickled me legs. hahas... funny guy. n i jus found out that he's actually one year older than me! hahas...
n today.... i'm gg shopping with mummy! hope i get something i like!! :)