its sun again! :) no tution, yea! but no i wish the kid won't cut my money... and keeps dragging the starting day. it was supposed to be 2 weeks ago. but now still havent start yet. GSS is here, i need $$! hahas.
audrey came over on friday! havent't met in like 2 years? or 1? i don't know.
but no matter how long we didn't meet we always have lots to talk about. that's the real twenty year old friend i'm talking about. hahas. we used to exchange stickers every week when we were young and try to get the best deal out of each other. thinking of that it was so childish :) hahas.
we met at compass and had subway. yummy oven roasted chicken breast! it was nicer than expected! after that she came over and we couldn't find the hourly parking space in the carpark so we went turning all the way up to the highest deck and realised that it was in the lowest deck. hahas. :)

and we made pop corn! :) yum yum!