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Thursday, May 31, 2007
i got my wireless! i'm using it now~ yippie!

yea! meeting gen and mal later. haven been seeing them ever since gg back for trainin camp in march! misses ya loads guys! :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
camp prep! well, can't do much actually...
so we just discussed n we are gg back school tmr!!!
if only i don't need to go to school during e hols. still have lesson, hello?? isn't it holidays? break from lessons?
anyway, jus found out today that i'm having econs tut tmr, well, it's 8, ok! early!!!
n i still have some stuff yet to be done.
if only there wasn't tution today, otherwise can go eunos n see those cute lil kids! hahas.
tution was tiring, mrs khan told us to write in more sophisticated ways that are like no no for me, so i guess i have to learn? ok, for e sake of my gp grade, i'll try. n i have to finish the whole of my 1100 words by next thurs, where i'm only at week 20? where there are like 20 more to go? gosh. don't think i can finish it. hahas.
psc psychometric test is... gr... why can't we change e date. if it was successful,
1) we would not fall asleep while doing it
2) niang n papa won't 'scold' me
3) i would be able to have sumptous dinner aft camp!
haha... but u all still mus wait for me. hee...

Monday, May 28, 2007
i went shopping yesterday after tution again!

now is e shopping season n i jus can't resist those captivating sales everywhere! went marina with holy after tution to realise that she forgot which shoe shop she wanted to go. hello!? this is marina, not plaza sing know! so we walked n walked the whole place n didn't managed to find it at all...

but luckily, we found something worth buying. i bought another yellow top n another black belt n my green water bottle!

i wanted to eat this anderson ice cream that was gg for 3 bucks per scoop till i saw e flavour: coconut! no no... i rather not eat. hahas.

on the way back, i saw this japanese hokkaido ice cream palour n they were selling triangular ice cream! looks yummy so i convinced holy to share it with me, so we each picked a flavour. we wanted durian n rum and raisin, but one was too soft n e other jus sold out to e woman in front of us. what a bad day! in e end settled on this mint chip n black sesame. well, i wasn't e one who picked the wierd flavour. she did. hahas.

it looks small but it sure took us quite long to finish. don't ever underestimate it's contents! it;s sure a huge scoop! when we were nearing e mrt, we saw lam n her bf. hahas. previously we another senior n it was at e same place same person. coincidence.

e next time i'm gg back to marina, i'm gg to eat durian n rum!

Saturday, May 26, 2007
shopping spreeeee! i went shopping with mummy today! n gosh! it was sure squeezy! with all e sales n ppl, you can hardly breath! i bought this red orangey tunic top from forever 21, a black/white top and a black belt from m)phosis! sure a satisfied trip out! the whole place was super squeeezy that you had to say ''excuse me excuse me'' all the way. saw this gold coloured sandles which was really pretty, but they didn't have my size, so missed it!
dinner was nice! at food republic. my fav fish! yummy n chunks of it tasted sure nice! aft that went into the project shop, e staff there was 'warm n friendly', i walked past e cashier, he said ''hello'', i wasn't sure if that hello was directed at me so i jus act blur n walked on. then when i reached e bag section, another service crew said ''welcome'', ''u looking for any bag?'' i jus replied with a weak smile n said ''jus looking''.
i realise yesterday's sun was strong! i have this ugly ugly tan line on my leg which cause of e knee guard i wore yesterday. n e left side of my body from my neck to my back ache like crazy in the morning today. i think it's because of the tug of war game which all of us pulled wit all our might, but our opponent proved to be stronger than us, so we lost in the end.
n i want my nike water bottle!

Friday, May 25, 2007

second day of sports carnival. stayed over yesterday night. the night passed fast, not forgetting the 'supper' we had. hahas. it was terrible. we were let out at 1 plus to go out n get some stuff to eat, so e majority of us had cup noodles. i couldn't decide between milk or noodle, so in e end i settled on milk which proved to be the correct choice! there was simply too many people using the hot water at the water cooler that the water became warm after some time... n we kana the warm water. so all e noodles couldn't cook! it was like a bit hard? jw bought some funny brand and it turned out like noodle cake.

me with pigna!! while e rest were playing badminton
played inter cg games, well, not exactly winning everything, or should i say we lost every single game, but it was effort well done! though before the start of the games i was still trying to get ppl to particiate. don't talk about it, it was such a chore from day 1. the sun was super bright till all of us looked like red tomatoes, with some of us more tomato-ish than others.

well, in e morning before assembly, we played badminton n it was real fun! wanted to play again! but time was short, we enjoyed ourselves anyway...

then it was lunch! aft e sports carnival, we went genki sushi at tm cos dey have coupons to spare. so i ate ne hana maki! yummy! well, that was e only thing i ate there cos i felt like puking after being hungry for so long. well, but i guess i was more tired than hungry.

so now i am, trying hard not to sleep as i finished all my stuff! tmr's saturday which means... e start of my mugging days! oh well...

well... today's stayover and i'm in e hall rite now with no light, so i doubt how i'm going to finish this post. hahas. anyway... donu factory in the morning! at like 10.50???? super early! but luckily, there was only like a few ppl in front of us in the queue. so we got our donuts real fast! yea!
but i have to give some away. so in e end i ended up with 10.
trust me, donut factory's donuts are never enough! hahas. well, i took lots of pictures of it i think they are really pretty!

12 different donuts i bought!

while we were waiting for the stall to open
we looked like this, carrying two big boxes each n walking ard raffles place! hahas...
waiting for 1 am so that the gate will open n we can have supper! hahas. tmr will be a day of sports things again.... n i think i'm gg to be half dead! hahas.
well, inter cg games tmr. hope everything will turn out fine.

Thursday, May 24, 2007
"when you gain something, you lose something"

Monday, May 21, 2007
i got GREEN STUDS finally! hee... got a sour sweet bitter spicy package from papa today! she made a few for e tkd girls! n i finally got the BBQ pic! here's my beloved green team! we've gone thru it all n we became strong! hahas...

went for my appt today, i was done in a whooping 15 mins? hahas. then i went popular to buy eraser. i wanted red, but they only have pink, so i bought it. i really don't know what's with my latest obsession with red. i think it makes me happy. hahas.

anyway, my skin's really thick today, i said bye twice w/o getting any reply, i was wondering if i should still continue to be nice. is tolerance always a virtue? we did that in GP today, n it sets me thinking.

well, i think that i haven been a good friend these days cos of all that happened. sorry girl, i let everything get the better of me. i'll try to be better.

only me n niang met for lunch today. papa went for dental, wonder what colour did she change to... black? hahas. sorry, i couldn't think of any other colour. hee hee... initially wanted to go eastpoint, but we waited for the bus for like so long?? so we decided to change plan, satisfy our craving and eat ban mien!

and oh! did i say, e bio test was horrendus! i think i'll flop it! but it was funny. panda faeces. could get DNA from there. hahas.

holidays is next week!!! yippie!

Sunday, May 20, 2007
tution! tution! tution!
arg! i'm going crazy... hahas...
anyway, tuning back to mugging mood in e process. hahas...
went swimming aft tution, or rather soak in e swimming pool with holy for 1 hr plus. hahas. n we saw this girl who had e same pink goggles as holy! hahas.
omg! i jus saw someone's friendster profile with my team pic on it! gosh! n guess what's his name? XXXXX... hahas. i broke out into hysterical laughter when i saw it... hahas. it's soooooooo funny!
hahas. tmr's school again. going to see e lao wang back in school. eh, got any interesting thing happen over e weekends? hahas.

Saturday, May 19, 2007
hello i am desiree!
i have a father called tan yuyang and a mother michelle chua!
they are great people!
but personally, i feel that my papa rocks muchmuch more!
he's hot and youre not!
thats why, im quite hot too! ( i take after papa more)

today is a saturday!
tomorrow is a sunday!
see, im so clever! (got the brains from mama)

ok i need to sleep! mama says i cannot sleep so late because sleep early, wake early is a good habit!
and i want to have alot of good habits!

god will make a way
where there seems to be no way
he works in ways we cannot see
he will make a way for me

he will be my guide
hold me closely to his side
with love and strength for each new day
he will make a way
he will make a way

by the roadway in the wildness he'll lead me
and rivers in the desert will i see
heaven and earth will fade
but his love will still remains
he will do something new today

Friday, May 18, 2007
i felt like an auntie for an instant today.
we had college clean up in e afternoon, so we had to bring rags. some of us didn't bring, so i went to buy for them. so it was this roadside stall opposite school, that sells all sorts of towels, face towels, table cloths, u name it. i quickly grabbed 6 pieces n went off.
so we cleaned up the whole of lt 3 n 4 in less than 2 hours, n all of them are complaining to go home. my beloved CT couldn't be found. so i got angelina to go on a search for her to dismiss the class.
n i seriously cannot understand why those people are still thinkin that way. for goodness sake! it would nv happen, when i think of it, i can't help but stop laughing. hahas. it was such a stupid idea.
i did some charitable deed today-i donated the 6 pieces of cloth to store. hahas. i wouldn't want to bring it home and no place could be better than that. it may come into use when we need to clean up somewhere sometime someday.
i missed them so much! i guess all of us couldn't find time to meet up. what's more, we are all in different school! well, looking at my blue uniform, i start to reminisce the times we had in that lil school where we all had done so many things together.i kinda miss the chapel we had in school. we used to go there to pray before exams, hoping that god would calm us down n help us to do our best.
i seemed to have lost in touch with TV for the past few weeks, well, holiday is coming! yea!
but it also means i have to study for JCT. boos.
i still can't get over the photos ms kang passed to me the other day. i really think i look wierd in there. so, i plan to keep them somewhere someplace that i won't be able to see. hahas.
thinkin of when it will come. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007
i know not whether to regret or not, but anyway, it's almost the end~ i should be thankful for the things tat i've got n i'm glad i got some encouraging responses. hahas, i know no one will understand what i'm talking except me! cos it's meant for myself to understand. hahas.
anyway, had gp tution finally! aft missin it for two weeks, i'm back! hahas. had chocolate donut n warm chocolate milo! yummy! u could smell the chocolate smell when e cup of warm milo is right in front of u, double chocolate, energy booster! mrs khan saw us dying badly when we just reached, so she got tis remedy for us, n i think it works wonders!
n i had my popiah for dinner tonight! my craving since wed? i promise it was good, one of the nicest i've eaten so far! it has this crispy thing on the top just beneath the skin n it jus taste heavenly! yummy!
had bbq ytd to celeberate our success during expose!! took lots of pics. will upload it once i got it! papa, hurry!
XX, i know u know i meant u! don't pon school again k!!! rmb u promise me u'll study hard!! be a mugger! hahas.
well, need to catch up on my work, presenting u a mugger! hahas. i shall try. hahas.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007
it was raining when i came to school today. n guess what, i was stuck in the middle of the road in front of our school gate, with all e umbrellas that is pushing each other apart n of course, the rain got me. so it was like for only 2 mins n i got myself wet, soaked in the feet.
chem spa was like 20 mins? no one in the class bothered to do the experiment, so i concluded i didn't want to do too. went home to sleep, cos i'm like tired? i didn't slept late last night but i still felt tired. maybe i'm used to falling asleep during lessons. hahas. no no, i mus try to wake up, or else there's no one else to wake her up to wake her up. hahas.
yea! tmr there's bbq! sort of like celeberating our winnings at expose. hahas, got lamb chop eh... i'm gg to attack one of it tmr!!!! wahahas.

Monday, May 14, 2007
ytd was a day spent at bedok sports hall.
we got 20 out of 30 golds which was quite a happy thing. we got back what belongs to us. it could have been one more gold, but my team didn't get it. i really don't know if i should blame ourselves or the person. well, it was a fact that we couldn't hear it clearly, but maybe we were jus not prepared to handle such circumstances that we lost our points in that area, but it was just 0.1 from what we wanted.
well, at least i know that we did very well despite what happened at e beginning. i could feel it that it was there. it was one of the few times we had this connection, only a couple during trainings, and we did it. we did it as a whole, one motion thru the 3 of us. i'm so proud of u guys! well done! at least we really enjoyed the times we trained tgt. :)
i'm so going to miss trainings aft this, well, i'm already missing it. it has been my routine for like 2 weeks? hahas. jus have to get used to it again.

well, went to sakae to meet the two of them, n holy and me obviously ate nothing! jus sat there and see the two of them eat though.
reached home even before the skies turned dark. did some homework n stuff, i seriously need to catch up on my work soon. i jus postponed a bio test, couldn't do it for another. well, well...

maybe i should try to become a mugger soon. hahas.

Saturday, May 12, 2007
this is e second time i'm blogging today. shows how much i didn't want to do my homework. but i've been missing much n didn't do my homework these few days cos of training. hahas. weill, reach home ard 11 plus n e first thing i want to do is sleep. hahas.
went mac for lunch today. been eating bread for the past one week everyday for dinner/supper. totally sick of it. hahas. i don't wanna marry a bread man anymore.
we were self entertaining ourselves today there. wen hui taught us how to read our palms. n it concluded that i will have a short life. hahas. it's jus a myth.
n holy thing's fries were raw, aft eating almost half the packet, we went to change with the auntie. n she gave us one brad new med size fries. we ate till we banned fries for 3 days. but i think i'm going to ban fastfood for 3 weeks. hahas.

hello hello! tmr's the day and i ought to keep all my emotions sometimes it just dosen't feel quite right. like how i wish i was somewhere instead of home. but think rationally and i should go home. but it's like i jus don't feel right sitting in front of my computer right now. last time everytime before comp i'll see my team n spend the day or even the night tgt so that we'll be more at ease for the next day. so now just dosen't feels right.
she said i've changed, for the better or for the worse? i don't know. but now i start to think about it maybe i should notice it more often, but i certainly thinks that my tolerance level for things went up. it moulded me into what i am today. but sometimes u jus need to let it out.
so ytd was lousy day. disappointment. tried hard, went crazy, n had a teeny weeny bit aft trng.
today's not any better. i jus hoped that all those who really put in a lot of effort get's what they deserved.
n i still don't know what's wrong with her. seriously not even one percent clue about it.
sometimes when i come to think of it, i wondered why didn't i make that decision sooner, maybe things might be better for me. or it may even get worse. but i doubt so. it should have been better. but no matter what, it's already almost a year, n it's not so bad for me now, i guess. but u just want something better. i think that's my weak point.
really hoped that gen would come down tmr, i'll be so happy to see her, thinking of all the competitions we went thru, n e years of friends, whatever happened last time, they happened for a reason. but i'm really afrain that i'll cry, n i don't want her to sees it, cos i think i'll cry even more when i sees her.
tomorrow is going to be tough. n i'm gg to go thru it with minimal bad emotions.
still, i can't stand it that i'm at home noe. i jus don't feel like doing work but i feel quite bad slacking ard. i jus cannot concentrate.
well, things will be better. everything happened for a reason. :)
to my team: we'll show our best! we can do it cos we did it during trainings!
to the club: we'll do our best and show the rest. :)
jiayou ppl!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007
if i went school today, i won't be here.
how glad was i when i heard that there wasn't much today. hahas. n i get to miss my lunch remedial which i dreads the most! hee hee...
my life has been quite routine these few days. school. trainin. sleep. hahas. competition is coming, so we trained a lot a lot. for the past few days we perspire like no one's business. the weather was freaking hot n humid. even the rain didn't help. my sweat can fill up a one litre bottle. hahas. it jus keeps drippin n dripping.
yesterday's trainin was e most fruitful of all, cos we were nearer to our goal! yea! the senior couldn't tell us how wrong or how should we rectify our movement although it was wrong. so in the end, we spent like 2, 3 hours trying to find out what's wrong and do e wat to do e correct one. is this like teach less learn more? i don't think it applies here. anyway, we were super delighted when we finally found the secret to do e correct one. undescrible joy!
it's jus a few more days to go, n we can do it yea?
a lot of people are stressed these few days, n my beloved papa cried. don't cry aymore. hahas. but i can see that most of them ae getting to accept it and adapt to it. so ya, glad. thanks for all those who've helped me on my way too, esp my happy family.
and oh! i finally managed to wash my gi yesterday, which i've been wearing ever since sunday. it stinks n is... i think i better not say. hahas. so here i come with a nice smelling gi top n pants!
whatever it is, i'm jus glad i choose to join this. you guys never failed to make me smile.

Sunday, May 6, 2007
woke up at 7 plus today. tired. had breakfast then went to train.
n i had my lunch at like 5? that's damm late. luckily i got the famous chocolate to munch on bread here and there, so i was able to survive.
went far east and wanted to eat long john, but i had to wait like 20 mins for the rice to be cooked! ultimate suayness! but anyway, subway still not bad. think it's a better choice than lj.
suddenly realise that there are a lot a lot of thing happening. everyone is stressed up. this and that. n there's a major problem now. life is getting more and more complicated. longed for the simple life back then, but maybe i should try to appreciate now, cos i know it will get worse in the future. sometimes people are jus not satisfied, but there ought to be something worth happy for, no matter how small they may be, we don't realise it until we sees it.
it's monday again tmr! i got a hell lot of things to be done! after my competiton i promise to get everything done. i mus be disciplined. hahas.
time is passing fast! n 2 yrs is gg to be over, it feels so short! i still miss my darlings! mal n gen is coming to the dance concert with me, n i'm so excited! we haven been meeting for soooo long! we were all so busy with school, but too bad ade can't make it. don't worry, still have chance.
can't wait to see u guys on 31st may! muacks!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
wednesday. start of intensive trng. ' when someone smiles all the time, it means that she have no more energy to frown', saw this on niang's blog. seems like everyone is emo nowadays. wonder how long can i last. i know i can do it. jus smile and everything will be fine. :)
had hor fun sauce over rice today for dinner. n someone commented that it looked like vomit! wat the... hahas. luckily i didn't vomit. hahas.
hungry hungry now, maybe the rice had long digested. shit! tmr got pe in e morning!
hai ya... how how... don't know la!
rest didn't help much, eat more also almost the same, milk? like also didn't help le, arg! i don't wan to suffer from some kind of disease. i seriously hate it! i want my life back!! baba...
tme got gp remedial during lunch!!!! my precious lunch break. boos. have to eat sandwich again! baba. boos. these few days quite bad mood ar, but actually is ever since it happened. baba baba baba... BABA!!!!
maybe sould try to keep it aside. maybe it's jus a small problem amplified. but think think like quite big le. hahas. don't know. :)



let's talk! :)

le mei
xiao yun.dance

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