Monday, December 21, 2009
the start of another week. :) means i have a lesser one more week of fun. but nevertheless, i enjoyed myself last week. full of meet ups and savouring of food!met up with ade, mal and gen! two movie marathons on a hot and humid thursday afternoon.dinner with the dawners and more fun at benny's house, the long lost house of potong pasir. bet we walked for half an hour. hahas.cycling at ecp on a windy and not so humid friday afternoon cos the weather forecast predicted "periods of showers with occassional heavy rain", but i didn't see a drop which was a good thing. :) dinner at chomp chomp, yummy! with dessert bowl after that. saturday is shopping day again! cos dance was cancelled last minute. i have been missing it for 5 weeks and i must get back to it soon otherwise all the partying of food will show. =p bought some more clothes! yippie! but a dwindling bank amount. after the korea trip it was a lreayd quite pathethic. hahas. so for now, looking forward to an awesome week ahead! :)