i got GREEN STUDS finally! hee... got a sour sweet bitter spicy package from papa today! she made a few for e tkd girls! n i finally got the BBQ pic! here's my beloved green team! we've gone thru it all n we became strong! hahas...

went for my appt today, i was done in a whooping 15 mins? hahas. then i went popular to buy eraser. i wanted red, but they only have pink, so i bought it. i really don't know what's with my latest obsession with red. i think it makes me happy. hahas.
anyway, my skin's really thick today, i said bye twice w/o getting any reply, i was wondering if i should still continue to be nice. is tolerance always a virtue? we did that in GP today, n it sets me thinking.
well, i think that i haven been a good friend these days cos of all that happened. sorry girl, i let everything get the better of me. i'll try to be better.
only me n niang met for lunch today. papa went for dental, wonder what colour did she change to... black? hahas. sorry, i couldn't think of any other colour. hee hee... initially wanted to go eastpoint, but we waited for the bus for like so long?? so we decided to change plan, satisfy our craving and eat ban mien!
and oh! did i say, e bio test was horrendus! i think i'll flop it! but it was funny. panda faeces. could get DNA from there. hahas.
holidays is next week!!! yippie!