second day of sports carnival. stayed over yesterday night. the night passed fast, not forgetting the 'supper' we had. hahas. it was terrible. we were let out at 1 plus to go out n get some stuff to eat, so e majority of us had cup noodles. i couldn't decide between milk or noodle, so in e end i settled on milk which proved to be the correct choice! there was simply too many people using the hot water at the water cooler that the water became warm after some time... n we kana the warm water. so all e noodles couldn't cook! it was like a bit hard?
jw bought some funny brand and it turned out like noodle cake.
me with pigna!! while e rest were playing badminton
played inter cg games, well, not exactly winning everything, or should i say we lost every single game, but it was effort well done! though before the start of the games i was still trying to get ppl to particiate. don't talk about it, it was such a chore from day 1. the sun was super bright till all of us looked like red tomatoes, with some of us more tomato-ish than others.
well, in e morning before assembly, we played badminton n it was real fun! wanted to play again! but time was short, we enjoyed ourselves anyway...
then it was lunch! aft e sports carnival, we went genki sushi at tm cos dey have coupons to spare. so i ate ne hana maki! yummy! well, that was e only thing i ate there cos i felt like puking after being hungry for so long. well, but i guess i was more tired than hungry.
so now i am, trying hard not to sleep as i finished all my stuff! tmr's saturday which means... e start of my mugging days! oh well...