today is so funny. i keep getting hungry. i didn't ate dinner ytd, so i gulped dowm one whole cup of milk n went to sleep with a hungry stomach. e funny thing is that i woke up feeling not hungry at all. had to eat so i ate breakfast. n staright after that, i was hungry like no one's business. i reckon i could eat a full lunch straight after. i think it's because the previous day at camp i had breakfast then lunch consecutively, can't imagine why was i hungry n i gluped down a whole packet of yummy nasi lemak. hahas. so i felt like such a pig for the whole day till night time. no matter what i ate couldn't fill me. maybe cos i didn't really ate a lot a lot, jus some finger food i guess. hee...
anyway, camp's over n i got some really nice pics, hufflepuff! ying le n auntie! hahas. i miss working with you guys! i was in e same grp as them. ok, it's something new working with johnny auntie, i learnt n i got to know him better! le mei my assistant leader! hahas. having worked with u before for ocip, n now again! i'm really glad! well, i reminisce the times in ocip yunnan more! hahas. still rmb how late we stayed to do the slideshow jus for the kids! n how we tried to pluck out the memory card that got stuckin the reader! using all kinds of tool to get it out! finally it's out! but i still can't rmb what did we do to it to get it out, hahas. well, n all those planning n stuff. whee hee! i miss that!
oh oh... n here are e camp photos!

hufflepuff POWER!

well, we came back to school early so we decided to take some funny shots that we will not be able to do during normal school days! hahas...
we were dammmmmmmmmm suay! the performance was a total flop! e first time e cd jumped! e second time it was cut off! so we had to do it again gor the 3rd time n i guess everyone was sick of it le. hahas, so, SUAY! hahas.