i'm so lazy to update...
been pretty tired recently... the flu bug is getting me. ok n everyone else too!
n what's e best thing of all? it's christmas!!!! ah...
jus a mouthful of choc makes me feel sick, hahas.
but i don't care, i still eat it. :)
went to register for driving theory exams on friday with those three darlings, march 17, that's e big day. hahas. oh my! didn't i habe to sit for the grade 6 theory on march 15? boo... i'll make sure i pass both!
den we had my fav subway for dinner! i never gets sick of it! turkey breast! yummy!
brenda had her b'dae celeberation ytd, went over n met all my cousins n e lovable baby tyler! oh my... he's sooooooo cute! can't wait to see him again! even my mum has already fell for him! hahas. slept over n went home in e morning cos i still need to go ma'am house! hope i can last till christmas!

yummy coffee bean cupcakes n opps! i ate mr gingerbread hands! :)
holidays are almost over soon, one more week! hahas! but it dosen't affect me at all!!!! hahas! i's a reward for having gone thru e monstrous A's!
guess what, i'm gg to teach music. sing school song? help!!!! normal subjects please! hahas.:)