yea! si dang gave me this heart!

love u loads! though sometimes our relationship may seem rocky in e past n present, i believe each time we emerged stronger! e indescribable feelings i went thru during my journey with u! i believe god sent u down to me for a reason.
thanks! n a million muacks!
sorry for attempting to ask if u need help with teaching, i was really boos these few days.
i promise i won't ever think of it again k?
glad that u had fun in sjc with sheila.
n thanks for standing by me everytime. sometimes u want to help but don't know where to start, but i thank u for e effort, your thought of helping is enough. 事事有时并非如此, 我只想谢谢你的诚心. muacks! wish u all e best with u n ur kuku!
i miss my 2G terribly, they never fail to make me smile. :) n they were always so bubbly!
yea! yea! tmr is chinese new year! got lotsa good food n stuff! yummy! ni can see my beloved tyler! oh man...this is how cute he is.

collect hongbao! n meet my friends! a pity i couldn't go on friday... i promise u girls i'll pop down if i could. pei lian! it's been ages since i saw u!!!! hahas...
n oh! don't worry sidang about growing fat! i promise i'll be here to go on an exercise regime with u to help u regain your sexy figure! hahas...
n of course! holy! i miss u!!!!!!! date! 13th feb! promise! :)
hope next year will be better cos i know it all depends on me!