it's monday again! after a quite nice weekend! except that i didn't really shop much... everywhere was so crowded!

dance as usual! went earlier to try on this korean costume for some Korean Tourism Organisation thing... it's so pinkish! wahahas... well, i think i look wierd but angelina said i looked fine. oh wel... hahas... it was a total of 3 layers! n each layer was like super thick! hahas... but it was fun trying to pose as nice as possible in the heat. wahahas... n e mask stinks! i was like gasping for air inside... hahas. but luckily no one wore it before, so it gave me some assurance. hahas.
n jiayi is so cute! posing here n there... hahas.
after that all of us are famished! so we went bugis for a feast! seriously... that place is a food haven! we tried soup spoon n had some yoghurt thing that was not bad, but i was too full to finish a cup, so i stole a mouthful from sophie n jiayi, hahas.
after that went mphosis to get a pair of shorts. it was supposed to be polkadots but the dot was so small it just looked like dots. hahas.
had this yummy duck rice n curry fish head at macpherson! it was e nicest i've ever eaten! yum yum! how i wished e fish head was bigger... hahas...
after that went to look at our future sofa n bought a pair of grey slippers which was very very comfortable. hahas. jazz as usual. after that stuffed a whole subway down that left me bloated for the rest of the night. hahas.
today went coral sec.
met this girl who loves e liquorice n coconut flavoured jelly beans from candy empire which everyones hates! hahas... n she gets high from eating them!
such a funny girl...
n there's this pri 2 boy who says he wanna be prime minister when i asked them to write down their ambition. hahas.
so funny...
well, time passes really fast nowadays... it's alr may! still rmb that time jus finished a's... wow!
must make e best out of my life now n enjoy them to e fullest!
can't wait to go for holiday! n hope my jazz exam won't clash with it!
went for medicine interview today. didn't know got two. hahas.
thought it was only one then this girl next to me told me just before i went in for my first one. hahas.
it went fine i guess, they keep asking me to convince them why they should take me in. hahas. n they asked me this hypothetical question which took me less than a min to give my answer. opps!
n so here i am. enjoying life in my room with air con which is essential nowadays when e weather is super hot!
i made a grave mistake. called lao shi to settle e jazz thing n i know tat he felt like killing me. i also don't know how to tell my dad about it. he seems pretty upset when i raised it up to him. jus hope tat e exam's on 11 or 12 n everything would be fine. but the probability is like so low. oh god, please help me.
just had a long long chat wit my nineteen year friend, audrey. feel like learning jap with her man!!! hai, if only we knew earlier. hope that i can work with her at e expo.
whoo hoo! looking forward to catch up with huiqi tonight, though it's only over e phone... but still, hadn't talked to her ever since she went hk.
actually i still don't really know wat i really wanted. there seems to be a clash of interest in every choice. but guess there's a sacrifice to be made whatever choice i make. hope i reach a decision soon.
oh! n ERP's ayam penyet! went ard 9 plus on wed n it's closed. so went to aston instead. but it looks really nice n i want to try it! but it's at this super ulu place accessible by car at joo chiat. hahas.
random but i want my tao huay tmr morning. :)
tmr celeberating yuying b'day. bought a mint choc cake for her. :)