it's monday again!
the week went quite alright, except that there's nothing much happening during the weekdays...
wedmet gen for lunch! boos, my stall nv open!!! rest day! so suay... hahas, must go eat it one day! after that went to vivo to 'shop', ok, there's actually nothing much to see, everything that's worth buying has been wiped out by the dear enthusiastic shoppers on 23rd may, the first day of the great singapore sale, leaving the forlorn me with nothing, hahas. can save, i shall console myself with that! haha! miss her, needless to say. it's always like that. :)
ok, this is unglam!!!!

n this is much better! hahas...
thurssandcastle! the weather is hot! hot! hot! then it rained! boos. got a cold after i got home. brrrrr.....!
but it was fun! met ginger, yanling n agnes! ginger seriously don't have e ginger face! hahas. but she's quite funny, finally can put a face to holy's friends when she tells me about them. hahas. we had a nice lunch! e super nice duck rice! n sugarcane drink n 豆干包! hot n steamy! yum yum! too bad my stomache was full, otherwise i'll stuff another one down!
time passed quite fast n soon it was dinner! hahas. n the guys there are so cheeky! most of them are around our age, some on uni, some gg to uni like me!
sick, at home e whole day sleeping like a pig. haha!
yippie! felt a bit better, but still dragged myself to dance, hoping i'll feel better if i go out! got my jazz shoes, n ew! stockings! mus wear them on exam date! arg!!!!
left with angelina ard 12 to go to world book fair to support n help this wish child, charmaine! who launched her book there. she's sick as a child n finally she fufilled her dream of being an author. she's so cute! n i really think she speaks so eloquently! she's a brave lil girl! :)
guess who i met! julia! hahas. needless to say, we went home tgt! :)
n ytd was sunday!
e solo dance was so so fast! omg! hope i can perfect it! n vernon told us that we have to do a double 'piruet'(i hve no idea how to spell it but basically, it means do a double turn!) in order to pass! oh no! arg! i shall turn everyday from now on, hahas...