i woke up feeling nothing. confused of my present state. can't believe i'm doing this, hahas. even as i make my way to andrew road after school i still feel a bit wierd. then after i reached e reception, only then thati start to feel my heart pounding, well, luckily it stopped before i went in. n i stare at e black hole once again n said what i was supposed to, but i think i didn't do that well, anyway, there were a lot of ppl, don't thinki can make it. yup, so now i am out of my shock n felt e normal, mudane life i'm gg to have. but boring or not, it's up to me to decide!
well, finally gotten e pics from gen after helping her do her ss slides! hahas... added this sir stanford raffles pic n e merlion pic to her blue slides which i said e colour combi is oh my! kiddin la... darling! hahas. so whoever sees it, rmb i added e merlion n raffles n malaysia pictures! hahas... hahas. ok! so here are e pictures we took during camp n on sat!

firstly... e 招牌 muddy feet!

then... aft e girls went to sleep...

finally! e 3rd day!

n on saturday! after we shopped till our feets dropped! satisfied shoppers!
grouchy... hahas... no la.jus do for fun! :)
this is my life.