hahas. went to watch e firecrackers at chinatown ytd, similar a year ago. n there was this sale on mochi and e taiwan cakes. $3 a packet!! put full full also can! come ah! come ah!
these was what we heard. hahas, n we bought quite a lot sia. it's not that we bought a lot, it's just that $5 n $3 is a lot. look at these! hahas.

so we went to e usual places we go to every year... n i took this with my cousin, she forbids me to put it up but i think she looked quite alright, hahas.

n my beloved cousins!

loved my gramdma's cheng teng, had two bowls! hahas yummy! n than in between we went to my father's collegue's houses n finally over to my aunt's hse! wa! yummy chicken abalone porridge! ate two more bowls! n the fruit n prawn salad! yummy!

went home quite early ard 9 cos no gambling den this year, hahas, maybe tmr. :)
realised it's getting less n less fun as e years goes by, hahas, maybe it'll get better tmr! hahas.
well, i learnt must learn to accept what's given to me n live with it.