for e past few days, it was just food n visiting! n hongbaos!
yes! it's true that the average hongbao is 10 bucks cos i experienced it! hahas, because the government said that e economy is doing well, hahas, n i get to benefit from it! wahahas...
well, supposed to go visiting with the girls on e second day but alas! had to go my fathers's friends house n i miss it! had dinner at my uncle's place which is at pasir ris with such a senic view from the house i'll fell like paradise if i ever lived there, it feels like u own a private pool cos it's just within 3 m from the backyard! wow! n i took some pics with my cousins which i missed so much! a girl who's been with me since i was born. okies, she's only a year younger than me la, hahas, but we were there for each other no matter what! she's been quite busy cos she's in year 2 now, just like me last year.

n they always helped me to clear my notes at end of major exams! hahas...

n oh! we kida went back to nostalgic mcnair road! hahas, that was where i stayed till i moved to punggol 6 years ago! missed e place n it has since changed so much!
n mummy! i love u!

well, well, then! met up with my sj darlings ytd! went over to eunice's house n shermain went to her old house at crocodile farm, hahas... so funny! she said she was downstairs n we were like huh? cos eunice stayed in a semi-d kind of house. hahas. blur SP!
oh! n sidang wore e similar shirt as me! hahas, ok la, e only similarity was that it ad a ribbon behind! hahas... n we played with tis small small mahjong set which eunice said should just use two fingers to mix em. hahas.

den i have to leave early too! don't know why this year have so much visiting!!!! went over to my another relative house n we lo hei! hahas, look at this fish! i used my creative juices n created e sheng long huo hu eyes! hahas.

had lotsa good food! yummy! hope i still weigh e same! hee!
happy chinese new year again!